Saturday, November 2, 2013

Charmed, I'm Sure!

I've been working on the final cornerstones and borders on Country Charmer...betwixt assisting with a small home renovation project and collecting the Halloween decorations up that were outside and packing them away for another year.

I just got up to press seams and glanced over and saw I'd received an email from our dear Quilt Sue.
Of course I stopped to read it immediately.  I had no sooner sat myself in front of the computer than this happened!

Maecee is not my only loyal assistant.
Unfortunately I missed the earlier photo op when he followed me from one room to the next with Country Charmer, partially folded and draped neatly across his back...I got up from the machine for a moment and didn't realize he'd been napping under the quilt by my feet while I was sewing.
Lefty belongs to...or should I say...our youngest daughter belongs to Lefty.
He has been her protector and trusted confidant for 9 years now.
He's spending the week with Gramma & Papa while she's housesitting for my quilty buddy.
things got even more out of control, more Grandpups claimed their spot!
These are the girls who came to visit from California while their house is on the market!
Please excuse Belle's tongue...she's not being rude, she just doesn't have teeth any longer.
Cavaliers are notorious for bad teeth and for developing Cardiomyopathy...otherwise they're incredible, intelligent, loving little dogs!  Belle is in very early stage Cardiomyopathy which claimed her Dad, Tristan, 2 years ago and her brother, Will Turner, just over a year ago.
Miss Tuffy Wuffles is a rescued Jack Russell who belongs to our son-in-law.  She's very needy and very sweet.  No amount of cuddling is enough.
~Nancie Anne


  1. Awww, I'm such a softie for doggies. Just put any fabric on the floor and dogs come from miles away to sit on it. Mine are always very slow and careful when they claim their place....Thanks for sharing!

    Cheery wave from

  2. Well it's good to see how much your Country Charmer quilt top is appreciated isn't it?

  3. Your doggies may be cute, but I want to see more Country Charmer...giggle...
